A time to blog, a space to be blogged in....The blog of John Harrison |
Thinking... hmmm, this could be a bloggable thought...
Hands up who's stopped and read the contents label on a can of IRN BRU after taking a sip?
(I expect probably everyone that's had it!)
What other drink would even provoke that reaction?
Thinks... .oO(Oh my GOD! Have I just swallowed a mouthful of battery acid???
... oh no, that's alright then, checking label, hmm it isn't marked "not intended for human consumption" like they put on cans of pet food, so hopefully I'll be OK...)
Hands up who thinks we should make it a purity point?
"Having read the contents label on a can of IRN BRU:"
"Before drinking" = 1 points
"After drinking" = 10 poiints
Perhaps having ever drunken IRN BRU should be a purity point in the drugs category...
To me IRN BRU has the delicate flavour of the rusty orange water poured off a can of rusty nails which has been sitting in the rain in the back yard for 6 months... but it's obvious that my palate just has not yet aquired the taste... and to the person that told me on Saturday night that to then it tastes like watered down Tizer... what the hell do you think it IS???!!! (read the label and see who it's made by!)
If you don't know what IRN BRU is then you've not lived in the UK (especially Scotland)
If you don't know what a purity point is then you can go back to sleep...
posted by John 12:47
This is the blog of John Harrison (a random Kiwi?)
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Since "all the other bloggers" (I *so* don't feel like a "blogger") have theirs on their blog... here's My Amazon Wishlist