A time to blog, a space to be blogged in....The blog of John Harrison |
It's been rather interesting to me to read my thoughts from October 2001 and contrast my view of Islam at the time with how I feel now.
Back then I guess I had very little first hand experience, an ex workmate who wouldn't really discuss it with me, an aquaintance who wasn't religious but who would have people pray out the back of his shop, and my sister in law who I have met only 5 or 6 times over the past 20 years and who as far as I know is not practicing...
Over these past 18 months I've stood shoulder to shoulder with many Muslim, and gone from tolerating to caring about, being interested in and standing up and acting for.
I guess this is one good thing that my living in London and the pain of being around through two wars in this time has done for me.
posted by John 23:07
My goodness, what a shock! Did you realise I actually had a blog somewhere on the web???
Yes, that's right, I have to admit, I'd almost forgotten ALL about this...
I had been thinking "blog...?" and I was thinking... "Didn't I write in a blog for a while back when I was working at A-Z?"
What ever happened ??? I'm so sorry, jeepers, it's over a year and a half since I even came here...
I wondered today "wasn't it blogspot.com that I used ?" then I thought "Ah, this looks familiar, now, what would I have called it?" - and then I found it... oh boy!
In the mean time, I've actually been writing (occasianally) things on a Thoughts page on my website instead... it's not much more hassle for me than using this, and to tell the truth I prefer vi as an interface to some tiny little window in an html page (Opera gives me 15x2 characters!!! - ehrm, do I wanna admit to using a non-free web browser? - Mozilla seems to work fine)
But, here we go... I'll at least link to this from my homepage now, so that I don't loose it again!
posted by John 19:50
This is the blog of John Harrison (a random Kiwi?)
< ? kiwi blogs # >
Since "all the other bloggers" (I *so* don't feel like a "blogger") have theirs on their blog... here's My Amazon Wishlist