A time to blog, a space to be blogged in....The blog of John Harrison |
Chief Tecumseh, Shawnee:
"So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart.
Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and Demand that they respect yours.
Love your life, perfect your life, Beautify all things in your life.
Seek to make your life long and Its purpose in the service of your people."
I don't think I've ever before stumbled across someone's words and felt that they so succinctly expressed my own philosophy on life. This would be more relevent to have on my homepage than the Johnson quote which I have at the moment, but it's almost too revealing an insight into my way of thinking and living to put it out there up front.
They are each pure, just and honorable pursuits, and it could appear on the surface that they would be things by which all men could live, and which would lead to a life of peace.
I can vouch, for having striven and at times struggled to live by this same creed, I have the experience to say that these actions will arouse strong opposition in some people, even lead you into conflict, may estrange you from those around you, and will be the source of your greatest challenges. If something is worth doing, it will require great effort.
Still, I believe that these points are 100% right, and that for me, they are the only way to live my life.
posted by John 12:59
This is the blog of John Harrison (a random Kiwi?)
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Since "all the other bloggers" (I *so* don't feel like a "blogger") have theirs on their blog... here's My Amazon Wishlist