A time to blog, a space to be blogged in....The blog of John Harrison |
When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life: Samuel Johnson
"Why, Sir, you find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."
� Samuel Johnson
posted by John 20:11
Fantastic, I just typed this all up and then wiped it by hitting a bookmark button by accident... rats!
Gone are my added thoughts...
These are the bits which I typed up in my communicator in between conversations at the Office Christmas Party,,, and aren't Office Christmas Parties just one of the SCARIEST things!!! I mean here are 350 of these normally quiet respectable and well dressed people, dressed up in slag rags, getting shitfaced on free piss and doing their level best to make utter twats of themselves... snogging, shaking tits, having open air sulky lovers tiffs with workmates, (some things were better not even suspected!) and not to mention standing sooo close inside each other's "bubble" that they're almost rubbing groins as they stand and talk for hours... and stare occasionally deeply into each others eyes in the most understanding way, and hold that glance like they're listening intently to the other person's words... Yes, I'm sure that's just a manager and his PA catching up on some important work discussion too, aren't you ???
OK, here it is, plucked safely from the communicator... I won't be asking you to forgive me for being a (currently single) guy who drinks alcohol, notices scantily clad chicks cavorting true to form now that they're profoundly in touch with their innermost drunken bimbo after necking what they could of the free piss... and wants to record his self musings on the sight... If you don't want to read that kind of stuff then I guess you shouldn't be here innit!
Own texts\blog this
Brevity due to time constraints, not due to inebriation...
.oO(The trouble is I met *her* first...
Can't go trading logs in mid stream... you know wha' I mean ?
She may be the über beatch 'n all.)
...what happens when the woman who has been flirting with you for the past 5 weeks, and who you have been thinking for the past week about asking to swap details with on your last day because you're leaving and won't be seeing her again, but after going and talking to her and finding it feels less natural than you had been expecting it to, (either she's not interested now or too dumb to make it easy for you to ask) so not wanting a scene you decide "NEXT" and to flag it...You turn up looking forward to getting a chance to chat with her again without being in a work setting... and lo and behold she's ripped off her ditzy skull, can't even stand straight and shaking the tits that she doesn't have like they're a skipping rope (and whoops keeping stopping to pull up her top because it keeps slipping because there's nothing to hold it up!) hmmm can't help thinking that she's exercised them away with all that shaking!!!
What did they tell me when I was chasing sheep as a young lad ? (oi! no racist jokes about Kiwis and our sexual preferences you!)
"Pick one and tail it till you nail the sucker!"
Well no, sorry, this is where I bow out!
Isn't better judgment a fantastic thing ? ;o) (sobriety is the bane of next day regret ?)
...I thought later to coin a phrase... (with apologies to Henry Vth) "Discretion is the greater part of honor"
(while I was looking it up I found:
The pride of youth is in strength and beauty, the pride of old age is in discretion.
Democritus (460 BC - 370 BC)
(isn't that indescretion?)
Some things are better not shared (does that include these thoughts!?)
oh um yeah... and I think my number one visual image to take away for the evening was a woman on the couch wearing a SHORT pink miniskirt, and a top which laced up (very loosely) at the front with laces...
"Nice of the bimbo to turn up wearing some pieces of string and a bandaid innit..." ;o)
posted by John 00:12
This is the blog of John Harrison (a random Kiwi?)
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Since "all the other bloggers" (I *so* don't feel like a "blogger") have theirs on their blog... here's My Amazon Wishlist