A time to blog, a space to be blogged in....The blog of John Harrison |
Cyberpunk - Wikipedia: "Cyberpunk's world is a sinister, dark place with networked computers that dominate every aspect of life." [ Aha, the essence of my life distilled! ;-) ] "Giant multinational corporations have replaced governments as centres of power."
John Dewey asked in 1931, what is politics other than 'the shadow cast on society by big business?'"
hmmm... "have replaced ... as centres of power"? isn't perception a fancy thing!
It's amasing what we can condition ourselves into considering to be "reality"
posted by John 02:16
Saw LOTR ROTK at Marble Arch on Dec 30th... wicked... I agree with the people who said it has about 5 endings, and I wasn't impressed by the special effects at times, but all the same... it was great, very satisfying to complete the trilogy, I'd happily do an all-dayer watching all 3 on DVD - un-cut.
One of the thoughts I took away from the movie was that back at the end of 2001, anything that even vaguely referenced aeroplanes, or New York, or tall buildings was pulled from the movies, radio and TV... now it seems we are allowed to go the other way...
I felt Peter Jackson luxuriously endulging in images of a tower crumbling, twisting, shattering and falling, and it was good to be able to experience him expressing that...
That thought was triggered by watching Eminem's "The Way I Am" video on the big screen at Long Island Iced tea Shop (see my rant below...) in which he leaps off a skyscraper and keeps falling and falling... Eminem must have premonitions of the future, AFAIK that video was made in 1999, and it's not just off one, but between *two* towers...
God the Long Island Iced Tea Shop has gone downhill over the 4 years I've known it!!! We had a really nice birthday party there for Julie in 2000!
Kind of indicative of low times when my crappy photo page gomes up at numberEIGHTFIVE of176233 hits on Google...
They're in a BRILLIANT location in town, they've been around long enough that most people know them, and yet they don't even have a homepage...
That place could go off! but it's so run down... it's got scruffy bits of guilded plaster, it used to be nice to sit and drink around tables, now it feels like there's not enough seating and it's all scruffy... It was said there on Saturday night "This place is like a gay bar, but full of straight people" - 3 years ago it was full of cute young oriental chicks, now, on a Saturday night, there's random bunches of tartily clad Essex girls (did I need to classify tartily?)
let's pick one to look at: long blonde hair, straightish nose, but just a bit too strong, not cute, too long, and with a slight hump that would suit a greek god, but not a blonde babe... made me think of Michelangelo's David... a look on her face that says she thinks she's gorgeous and knows it (while she doesn't cut it), but it's that look on her face that makes her look un-attractive...
Her top could be sexy, it looks like a cross between a corset - in that it's making bits bulge here and there where it pulls in - and a creme satin handkercheif... anchored only by one corner in the middle at the front... covering breasts that don't do justice to the size of her butt... hipsters with a fluffy top that look like they're painted on the bottom of her bum and a belt with big chrome letters saying "S E X * A N D" draped across her bum... classy...
The toilets were not working... I went downstairs to the Gents - there was a guy there turning us away "use the ladies' upstairs" - so I went back up to find that there was a queue in there, probably because two of the toilets up there (the only two you could see from the doorway - at the back of the queue) the place STANK of blocked sewers, My thought was that the council should close the place down till they got it sorted! So I gave up and left in the pouring rain.
I think (hope) that it's on its last legs and is about to be sold to someone who does something totally different with it! what a waste of a great venue!
posted by John 14:15
I keep meaning to come and blog, putting off thinking I'll do it later and then realising the next day that it never happened... mind you my whole to-do list is going that way at the moment!!!
I'm glad that they have the "Change Time & Date" button on this screen, because I'm needing to put lots of things in retrospectively!
(Jan 8th the word retroblogging pops into my head, I Google and as I thought I wasn't there first!)
posted by John 12:42
I relate! ( and 3 days later I get stuck in and embody my original idea which I had when I first saw the poster on the tube)
Michael IS in the number twos!!! dirty kidf*cker! lynch him!
What sick parents send their kids to sleep in the same room as a known dodgy weirdo?
I would expect that they just want the fame and possible wealth that they might get through their kid associating with the "king of poop" - they are either not paying mind to the fact that it might screw up their kid's like like MJ's was screwed up as a kid... or they don't care if it does, because it's worth the risk if it makes them rich themselves...
If their kid hangs around with a guy pushing 40 who is so messed up he thinks he's a kid and can't sleep withouth having kids in his room... is that gonna help their kid turn out normal ?
They're giving their kid a weirdo as a mentor and his messed up world as a peer group, thereby teaching/reinforcing in their kid that being a messed up weirdo is normal and OK!
posted by John 18:35
This is the blog of John Harrison (a random Kiwi?)
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Since "all the other bloggers" (I *so* don't feel like a "blogger") have theirs on their blog... here's My Amazon Wishlist