A time to blog, a space to be blogged in....The blog of John Harrison |
Picture this...
An aquaintance calls - they're not a close friend and they don't come to the point quickly about why they're calling you - you don't know if they want anything from you - so you worry that they might just be bored and calling you for a chit-chat... so you're annoyed.
You've got things to do and don't have time to waste idly chatting to someone you aren't close to... it's hard to be nice...
It turns out they wanted someone's phone number, so you're relieved, but after they're off the phone you wonder (and worry):
"Do any of the people I know feel that way when I phone them ?"
I'm sure some do... now to figure out who and take them off my Christmas card list!
Am I a terrible grouch ?
posted by John 15:59
Today I took Jacqui (my flattie) to the DWP office in Harlesden to get her NI number, on the way home we went to the library and both signed up (jeepers, I've been here 4 1/2 years, been in the library numerous times, and never actually applied for a card!!!) then we looked in LeMoss and the other pound shop and there I finally found what I've been after for ages, a gorgeous Cast Iron Frying Pan!!! :o) it's the 101/2" one, it was actually the big on in the set of three at the top of the page, but he said he was selling them seperately, and I'm buggered if I need the other ones!
It snowed last night - the first(only? - touch wood!) proper snow this winter, and it was pretty damn slippery out!
posted by John 13:23
I've just decided that I'm not taking anywhere near enough photos lately...
Problem could be lack of disk space to hold them prior to burning... and the fact that I'm always at home !!! but still...
Check out this guy's phone photos!!!
fone1 - Jofish Galleries
That is wicked!!! 640x480 in a phone!!! that's the stuff, the same res as I was taking with Chris's old camera back in 2000 !!!
Awesome stuff matey, I wonder if he's got the same Panasonic phone I played with at Vodafone...?
(It was a Panasonic, was it a Panasonic GD87 ?)
Camera. It is the most interesting feature in the phone. The quality of the pictures in the phone is much better than in all other products on the market today. It is really so, at least for the images on the screen (it was impossible to transmit information on the PC). The camera is activated by the double pressing the OK key in the standby mode, the display is used as a viewfinder. The images can be recorded in JPG format (Fine, Normal, Economy) or in PNG format (for the first time in GSM phone). You can't choose a picture resolution, it is always maximal and equal to the resolution of the screen (132x176 pixels). The average size of the usual shot is about 5 Kb. It is possible to store more than 100 images (dynamical memory - 780 Kb).
That must be a VERY old review... "The quality of the pictures in the phone is much better than in all other products on the market today." with 132x176 ? but they might be talking about the true colour TFT display...
"optional VGA camera attachment that offers photos with a resolution of up to 640x480 pixels."
I've found other phones which do 640x480 resolution as well, but they're mostly external plug-in cameras, and Sony Ericsson - which I won't touch with a barge pole...
posted by John 02:51
Lots of places evoke memories of places at home for me...
Some places throw me though: Lynmouth harbour, Exmoor, North Devon
but you know I *could* say that the hills remind me of looking up the valley the road comes down into Port Fitzroy...
posted by John 01:38
I'm quite consciously aware of the fact that I've not written anything for days & days.
I don't feel bad about that, just a bit sad that I'm leaving gaps.
I've been thinking about lots, but mostly not the kinds of things I'd feel comfortable about blogging or qhich I think it would be wise to blog.
My thoughts have been taken up with job hunting &with things to do with people I know.
Oh yeah, I didn't put the soulmate thing in...
thought: "soulmate: a term invented by 35+yo women to encapsulate what they hope to find in a person and think they're getting... it is actually a mythical creature which exists only in their imagination..."
posted by John 05:32
This is the blog of John Harrison (a random Kiwi?)
< ? kiwi blogs # >
Since "all the other bloggers" (I *so* don't feel like a "blogger") have theirs on their blog... here's My Amazon Wishlist