A time to blog, a space to be blogged in....The blog of John Harrison |
A guy was busking on the train on the way home from work tonight...
he was playing Abraham, Martin, and John
which I somehow vaguely recognised from my dimmest darkest memories... but I didn't know what it was...
Next he played a Bob Dylan song (he had a good whiney worn out voice for it) so I got the genre, but he was half a noisey carriage away, so I could only hear snippets of it, sometimes that's best especially when it's soulful... because your mind gets in the mood but you aren't swamped by the lyrics... so you can go with it... and your mind starts to sing for you...
Babe, I know I...
...used to ca-all you
but I've got _no_ time
anymore (but I've got no time no more)
and I see you...
...sitting round your window (you sit round your window)
I've seen you weeping by your door
It seems some times
that people change you know
I think it's only fair you know the score. (just thought I'd let you know the score...)
posted by John 22:53
When you're on the tube, have you ever wondered (why is it always on the tube and not in a crowded lift?)
is there anybody out there who *can* read your mind... ?
If so, are there different ways of doing it, or do the same principles apply to all?
How does it work?
Do they have to be close to you to do it, or can they tune in on anyone anywhere in the world?
Do they have to know you or have a path to you?
Can they only read what's in the front of your mind, your self talk,conscious thoughts,
so can you block their access by thinking white noise?
(triggering endorphin release [giving yourself fuzzies] & focussing on that works great for me,
but you have to be in the right frame of mind to trip that off!)
As a person who deals with network security on a daily basis I wonder is it like them getting their own shell on your box?
While you may be twittering around doing whatever you like (or nothing at all) in your shell they could be scanning your memory, storage, code & processes...
i.e. can they step around your conscious thoughts and directly access your unconscious mind?
How do hypnotists work? How do psychics work? How can they tell us what's going to happen?
What are they reading? Is it our mind or our aura, or our destiny?
Or do they make it up and we take that as a program and live it out?
Are there so many possibilities in our daily experiences that we can be on the lookout for things that match what they have said?
Do we have a destiny? Do we have it programmed into us?
If so, do we make things happen to us, (if wel tell ourselves it's not going to work are we jinxing ourselves?)
Or is it written up in a big program that we have to run through?
If it's predictable, are we living out a program?
Are our thoughts stored in the language that we speak, or are they stored some other way?
If we speak in our mind in another language, where is the line between the words were are saying and what we are understanding by them?
or more importantly, what we are feeling about them or the concept they are representing to us.
Even if we did not know a spoken language we would still have feelings even if we were not able to express or describe them in words, therefore, is it just as possible to read the mind of an animal as of a person?
(is that the heaviest post ever?)
posted by John 22:25
It's funny that things worked out the way they did & that I didn't phone her like I'd been planning to.
I feel that I was really in the right place at the right time this weekend...
I wonder if the reason that I tend to sit back & not push things is the fact that I believe certain things are going to happen anyway.
I really feel somehow that there's not been anything really important in my life that I've looked forward to which hasn't panned out the way I've expected it to.
I have this feeling that even when things I've wanted didn't happen it's worked out that it's been for the greater good in the long run.
It is right to hope & dream for the future, because if it's worthwhile & right then it will happen to you.
- don't be a "jinxed" thinker.
posted by John 20:12
This is the blog of John Harrison (a random Kiwi?)
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Since "all the other bloggers" (I *so* don't feel like a "blogger") have theirs on their blog... here's My Amazon Wishlist