A time to blog, a space to be blogged in....The blog of John Harrison |
"Posh and Becks, the quintessential celebrity chavs! ... Look up the term 'media whores' in the dictionary and you'll see their picture. The godheads of Chav culture!"
I always knew that was why I didn't like them, it's just hard to explain that to people who don't understand, maybe it's because the people I was trying to explain to were Chavs as well!
Do you know there is a whole house full of them living across the road ? complete with domestic incidents, and carrying on their family business in the street, they're DEFINITELY the loudest house on our road, you ALWAYS know when there's someone coming or going, because it's acompanied by much yelling hello and goodbye, banging of letter flaps and slamming of doors.
You should see them at Christmas - always their kids playing in the street with their new expensive powered scooter or football for a 1-year old who doesn't even know what it is. I could go on! maybe I will...!
I don't get how being a lumpen prole in this country goes with being right wing either... at home when I was growing up the right wingers were the land and business owners, not the bogans - far from it! Did my head in when I realised the Sun was right wing!
posted by John 10:38
From here I found: "Do have a look at the 1953 ad in which a woman is beside herself with delight at getting a vacuum cleaner for Christmas: 'Give her a Hoover and you give her the best.'" yeah flippin right!
Reminds me of someone who once told me about when her ex husband had bought her an appliance for her birthday (an iron) and couldn't understand when she wasn't pleased with the gift... I mean it's the closest thing a woman could have to a new powertool right ? and we'd be thrilled if she bought us a top-of-the-line powertool right ? hmmm, sorry mate, she don't look at it that way!
You just said: "My dear, on this occasion which I know is so special to you... here is my gift for your exclusive use... thoughtfully and carefully chosen to show you how much you mean to me is... a symbol of masculine oppression... now you can iron my shirts for me!"
posted by John 05:55
Argh, weak people! get them away from me!
People that seek praise for breaking up, then go back to their exes when they're lonely... people who break their diet and binge eat when they're depressed...
Then they expect you to treat them with respect in the morning!
Give me friends with willpower!!!
Face it, if your reaction to stress is to chuck weeks of strict dieting and pig out on shit food then you're doomed, you shouldn't be on your diet because you're just fighting your inner desire to be a porker... only he who can see fat food as his enemy, and eating good food as a reward will be resolute in times of weakness... why react to stress by further punishing your body and piling up the bad actions so that your stress will be compounded tomorrow by the guilt of what you did today...?
If you see shit food as your comfort in your hour of need then you should stop bothering others, and get real about the fact that you're self-destructive, that your mind hates your body... and that it's your attitude to yourself you need to work on, not your eating habits.
There's no point forcing yourself to go on eating food you don't want to eat, and not eating what you do want to.
If you can train yourself to like eating the food that's good for you and to have revulsion for the food that isn't then you have it beat and don't need to diet.
posted by John 02:16
This is the blog of John Harrison (a random Kiwi?)
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Since "all the other bloggers" (I *so* don't feel like a "blogger") have theirs on their blog... here's My Amazon Wishlist