A time to blog, a space to be blogged in....The blog of John Harrison |
I'm a web addict and I can't help myself... an information spunge, from the moment I wake up in the morning till the moment I collapse of exhaustion at the end of the day I want to be there, soaking it all up - I love tabbed browsers, so I can have 5 or 6 or more simultaneous chains of search going - because always things split off into side searches when you get going... jeepers, even seeing the Valentines logo on Google this morning, made me think about the Australia Day logo they had, and wonder if they ever did a Waitangi Day one, then I bumped into the page about Pigeon Rank again, which I hadn't seen for over 6 months, and then the link to pigeons piloting bombs lead me to halfbakery: bat bombs, from whence it was Plane killing homing pigeons and then Jose Delgado which lead me on to some heavy page talking about an email group (for some alien believing cult) Carlos Castenada, taking legal mind altering substances, argh!!!
There I was kneeling at the laptop on the floor, still in my towel not yet had my shower, and reading about the evolution of mankind and scientists who experimented with electric shocks to the brain in the 1960s... kinda heavy way to start the day or not?
Who puts all this weird shit on the web anyway ??? argh! and here I go again! I wasn't going to DO this today!
posted by John 14:55
geh! My mum saying to me as she was getting on the plane to fly to Jersey, not like she was killing time, but intent on making sure I knew, that there are beings from other planets on earth - not hiding, but secretly co-operating with certain human organisations... ummm like yeah mum... I've read that stuff too... poor things, I'd tell the damn stupid humans to sod off, I mean look at what was supposed to have happened at Roswell !!!
.mil says"Case Closed" but heck, ain't they the masters of mis-information and cover-up anyway ? so who do you trust ? Man, I need a website for ranting on! can't fill my blog with this stuff! Thought: these "aliens" are just WAY too damn human looking, if they're NOT fake, then my money is on their being either our future descendants come back using time travel, or some species from across the universe who came here to check up on their reletives (us) who they seeded here by crossing themselves with earth beings (apes) - nah - too weird - how could they be compatible enough with apes for that to work? - I'll stick with the time travel one...
Them humans are too damn stupid and careless, ignorant and under-developed... they don't have a high enough level of technology yet to let them mess with important things. They go around destroying everything trying to see how it works... like a kid who hasn't been trained... I mean putting drugs in their bodies, giving delicate brains electric shocks, irradiating themselves with radioactive materials and oodles of radio wave pollution, poisoning themselves and their planet with chemicals... killing each other, man, they could go so far if they got their noses out of their arses and stopped worrying about money and squabbling amongst themselves and used their resources wisely... there is more than enough food to feed everyone. There is enough medical knowledge to heal everyone. There is enough money to save everyone who is poor, there are enough resources and energy to explore space if we need to - though I personally believe we should focus on cleaning up earth - fix what's broken so far and tune ourselves so the technology we are using stops making the problem worse - using up and destroying what's here and then moving on to screw up the next planet is not the way to go. If we want more places to live then we could start by going and re-vegetating the Sahara!
From: Natural Fate Versus Human Control
"Major nations are constantly faced with the choice of how to use power, and conscious efforts are made to reach intelligent decisions which are expressed as national goals such as overcoming poverty, landing a man on the moon, or meeting timetables for industrial, agricultural, and scientific development. Because our resources are not unlimited, a major effort in one field, such as armaments or outer space exploration, restricts the development of other less-favored areas. The application of human energy to the control of natural forces is continually increasing, and perhaps it is time to ask if the present orientation of our civilization is desirable and sound, or whether we should re-examine the universal goals of mankind and pay more attention to the primary objective, which should not be the development of machines, but of man himself." - well I agree with him on this, but *shudder* what horrible plans he has!!! You don't do it by plugging wires into peoples (or animals) heads, you do it by spreading love & knowledge!
glow in the dark cells - would you trust them not to have long term side-effects?
- on that "too human" thought - most things we soak up as being alien, be it the whole mythology behind LOTR, (Tolkein re-assembling Viking Mythology - and I've heard people gush that he was so creative!) - and any media dealing with fictional aliens - e.g. Klingons on StarTrek their whole language is just so damn English speaking way of thinking (What's the word for the English speaking world? aha!: Anglosphere) based! my point is: look at the sounds and word order in some other real languages on Earth - and they can have a totally different philosophy and logic, and sentance structure, and hell, at the end of the day does language have to be based around parts of speech ? maybe there are alternatives to object oriented thinking and philosophy... do we need to think in nouns and verbs and adjectives ? - perhaps a civilisation could ditch adjectives if they didn't compare things and accepted that things just are... Compare for example costumes in Star Wars I with Mongolian traditional dress, compare Klingon language with some Asian or African languages... we're not THAT imaginative, heck if we can have this much ethnic, spiritual, linguistic, physical, speciel (species as opposed to special) you name it diversity on this planet in a few hundred thousand years (When we can easily remember back 3-4000 years - e.g. recorded history!) what the heck are we doing thinking alien beings are going to have two arms, two legs, a head, two eyes, a nose, a mouth, and walk erect and communicate with words? Nothing else on this planet has all this! - compare us with apes, or further back with dolphins, or further back with reptiles, or further back with insects - once we were supposed to have had a common ancestor and branched ???
What's REALLY out there? could we even see or sense them if they wanted us to ?
posted by John 14:32
This is the blog of John Harrison (a random Kiwi?)
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Since "all the other bloggers" (I *so* don't feel like a "blogger") have theirs on their blog... here's My Amazon Wishlist