A time to blog, a space to be blogged in....The blog of John Harrison |
As I'm running through the rain
Each step down to the station trying to trip me
Wind trying to push me back...
Who's this lady on the stairs ?
She looks fine, she's rushing too, but not as fast as me,
'cause I've only got one minute, or I'll miss my train again.
I can't wait, I'm racing, as I round the corner and she dissapears
I wonder if I'll ever see her again.
Who's that in the corner of my eye ?
21 platforms, but there's footsteps racing behind me for mine
Hey hey, well I'm there now, so I can wait long enough to hold the door...
"Hah! a bit of excitement for the morning..."
She smiles and laughs... happy girl on the train.
How, she chooses her seat, right across from my favourite,
so I'm meant to be here, with the girl on the train.
She's probably only going one stop, but no, she buys a ticket for my station.
There'll be a chance to talk, so I can enjoy my time on the train with her.
As the countryside crawls past, there's the same landscape to behold
The way you toss your head and groom your hair gets me thinking...
What if you and I were the only people in this town
Would it be easier to talk to you?
Our stop comes too soon, and there's been no reason to talk...
Well we're at the door now, girl on the train...
"you keep leisurely hours..."
"I hate this shift"
"When do you finish?"
"10:30 till 6:30"
You tell me what you do and where you work,
I wonder if I time it right, will I see you again?
We'll be like old friends next time we meet.
"Well have good day" and I'm off again - racing for my cab.
Hah! and her cab's following mine.
Exhilleration in the afternoon, why am I excited ?
What's this running through my brain?
What if you and I were the only people in this town?
Would you come and talk to me ?
People like you don't stay alone.
What if I were the man, to whom if you told your wish it would come true ?
What if I were the man, to whom if you spoke your thoughts they would be real.
Hanging on at work, but I'll be late for the concert if I don't fly now.
No time to think about catching the right train to see her.
Taxi driver hopes I'll miss it, perhaps he'll get a fare to town.
So close, it's already at the platform, I'm out of breath, but I'm on!
Find my seat, and who is this ?
She looks similar, but she was wearing a cheque skirt,
aha, that black is her coat, it *is* her...
Hello again, girl on the train, but you're with your workmate,
and you're deep in conversation...
It's all about people, your pals and their foibles,
you mention that most of the time you stay over at David's
I start to wonder if you're the kind of person that I'd want to know.
Your workmate's being picked up, on the phone to his girlfriend,
Guess who he has with him?
It's Emma, is it alright if they give her a lift home?
So you're Emma, and you live with David, Oh well...
I'm getting off a stop early tonight, closer to my concert,
It seems so are you... as I'm racing for a cab,
I'm wondering, will I ever see you again?
- well I did... on Friday she was standing in the bus stop next to the station, must have been her day off...
posted by John 04:43
This is the blog of John Harrison (a random Kiwi?)
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Since "all the other bloggers" (I *so* don't feel like a "blogger") have theirs on their blog... here's My Amazon Wishlist