A time to blog, a space to be blogged in....The blog of John Harrison |
Just to educate all those nice people who think that New Zealand is close to Australia...
Distance between Auckland, New Zealand and Sydney, Australia, as the crow flies:
1337 miles (2151 km) (1162 nautical miles)
(yes, those are the two closest international airports)
Distance between London, England, United Kingdom and Kiev, Ukraine, as the crow flies:
1326 miles (2134 km) (1152 nautical miles)
Distance between London, England, United Kingdom and Thessaloniki, Greece, as the crow flies:
1328 miles (2137 km) (1154 nautical miles)
Distance between London, England, United Kingdom and Malta, Malta, as the crow flies:
1298 miles (2090 km) (1128 nautical miles)
Distance between London, England, United Kingdom and Casablanca, Morocco, as the crow flies:
1297 miles (2088 km) (1127 nautical miles)
Distance between London, England, United Kingdom and Athens, Greece, as the crow flies:
1486 miles (2391 km) (1291 nautical miles)
Distance between London, England, United Kingdom and Tripoli, Libya, as the crow flies:
1454 miles (2339 km) (1263 nautical miles)
(Terima kasih indo.com for the numbers)
posted by John 12:38
I do get told off for "lecturing" smokers and for my extremely no bullshit views on it!
You know how they say that ex smokers are the worst?
Well maybe an ex smoker who
... sat on the edge of the bed in his 20s watching his dad almost comatose wheezing and gasping for breath on an oxygen bottle, because he was dying of Emphysema,
who managed to bring him back for 3 months by buying him nicotinell patches and seeing a near miraculous recovery and then having him go back saying "I'm not addicted, I just enjoy it"...
... grew up with his dad having regular trips to hospital to have cancerous growths cut out of his bladder via an instrument up his penis...
... finally lost his dad in 2000
... has lost several other smoking friends to cancer...
might be worse...
Words fail me when I try to describe my frustration and inability to understand how people can so blindly ignore what they are doing to themselves when all the facts are available to them.
If I sent most smokers I know a link like http://whyquit.com/whyquit/ they would be so bloody minded they wouldn't even visit the site, let alone look at the pictures on it!
If they did look they wouldn't relate them to themselves. And then they'd have a serious go at me for "lecturing".
It's not OK for me to discuss the facts of what they're doing to themselves and the people around them, because they know the facts and are in denial and will take it personally, but if they light up while I'm in a room with them I'm supposed to just accept them poisoning me along with themselves...
And I'm supposed accept all their pathetic lies and excuses they tell themselves about why it's OK to keep killing us and just humour them, even though inside it disgusts me that they can be so stupid.
I like to hang around with winners, and I'm sorry, but smokers are loosers.
Smokers are weak people who haven't got the guts to fight it and stop. No excuses.
Do you know why they write "SMOKING KILLS" on big writing on your cigarette packet?
Yes, that's for YOU dummy, not someone else.
When you are smoking you are killing yourself, which is normally called suicide.
If my friend consciously decides to poison themselves to death, should I take action while they are doing it to try and save them,
or should I just accept their choice and feel sad later when they have gone?
If I saw you getting ready to jump off a bridge or shoot yourself, it would be my duty to try and interfere and stop you.
Why when you choose to do it via a method which has a delayed outcome should I be expected to sit back and let you do it?
When you are smoking around me then you are killing me too! Why should I accept you trying to kill me?
Perhaps I should attack you physically when you light up around me, as your smoke is a form of assault and I am acting to protect myself.
Perhaps we should have gangs of vigilantes going around bars in town beating up smokers.
How can I feel sad for someone when it is self inflicted and intentional and they already know the facts?
To kill themselves knowingly someone has to be suffering from a mental problem.
If you drink too much you have a drinking disorder.
If you eat too much or not enough you have an eating disorder.
There is NO good reason to smoke, ANY cigarettes are too much and if you can't stop you have a problem, that's why I call it a smoking disorder.
And smokers expect to be considered "normal"? They're sick and should be treated accordingly.
You say "I'm not quiet ready to give up yet."
What? you mean you intend to give up one day?
Why would you do that? Don't you enjoy smoking?
Why not keep smoking? I'm sure you can find the money to keep paying for it.
What reasons would you want to give up for?
Today is the start of the rest of your life, if there are reasons, why wait till later?
It's not like stopping is something you have to save up for or take time off for!
I love this piece of writing: My Cigarette, My Friend, by Joel Spitzer
Think about this... If you dropped some food on the ground would you pick it up and put it in your mouth?
Have you ever seen someone drop a cigarette?
posted by John 16:03
This is the blog of John Harrison (a random Kiwi?)
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Since "all the other bloggers" (I *so* don't feel like a "blogger") have theirs on their blog... here's My Amazon Wishlist